Miracle Health Benefits of drinking Green tea!!!

Miracles of drinking green tea!!

The consumption of green tea has increased more in nowadays, this is because of green tea having lot of health benefits .so please drink two cups of green tea every day for the optimal health benefits, here the health benefits of drinking green tea are given .

1.) Cancer prevention

Green tea are very rich in Antioxidants, so it plays an important role in the prevention of the risk of affecting cancer.

2.) Green tea for Heart health

Green tea prevents the heart by lowering the cholesterol in our body and helps to maintain our heart healthier.

3.) Delays Ageing

Green tea is very rich in Antioxidants, so it delays the ageing process of our body by preventing the damage of cells, and also prevents the free radicals damage.

4.) Green Tea and weight reduction

Green tea increases the metabolism rate of our body, so drinking green tea can easily helps the burning of excessive and unwanted storage of fat in our body, especially it burns belly fat.

5.) Green tea for teeth

Green tea prevents the teeth decaying, it also removes the bad odor comes from the mouth, and plays an important role in the maintaining of teeth health.

6.) Green tea for Stress

Green tea helps to reduce the stress, Thiamine in green tea a chemical which reduces the stress level in our body.

7.) Green tea for Hair and Skin

Science proves drinking green tea helps to prevent hair fall and helps to maintain youthful glowing skin, so drink green tea of having more health benefits and live longer.
